Office For Mac Excel Copy And Paste Into Apple Mail

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  1. Office For Mac Excel Copy And Paste Into Apple Mailbox

Apr 04, 2006  I know that I can Save As 'Text (tab delimited)' in Excel, and copy and paste the table portion correctly formatted into Mail. However now my entire spreadsheet is reformatted and I have to remember to trash the unwanted Excel copy when I'm finished in Mail. Copy MyFileTest.scpt to the folder. Note: If you have add one or both folders and have problems with the code on this page reboot your Mac first and test it again. Note: If you want to use the example in Word you must add/use the folder, each Office app have its own folder. Excel Chart (Entire Workbook): Pastes a copy of the entire workbook as an embedded OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) object into the Word document or PowerPoint presentation, displaying the chart. Chart colors and fonts adopt document theme colors of the paste destination.

Microsoft word powerpoint for mac. I hate to revive this old thread, but I ran into this problem too. I'm using Outlook for Mac 2011 and when I copy from Excel for Mac 2011 into Outlook, I never get the gridlines (unless I use the picture method mentioned above). However, when I copy from Excel (part of Office Pro Plus 2010) inside a Windows 7 Virtual Machine the gridlines paste just fine into Outlook for Mac 2011 natively (without converting to a picture). So it seems this is more of an Excel for Mac problem, rather than an email client. This really is horrible. I'm a long time windows user, and this feature was extremely handy.

Not sure why such a handy feature would be lost when moving to the Mac version of Excel. It seems I have to run more and more things inside a Windows Virtual Machine.

I am disappoint.:( I'm having the same problem. Just found this and it worked. I don't mean to contradict my friend Bob G.:-) but if you're pasting the content as editable data I don't believe the gridlines will appear in an email message regardless of what email program you're using, HTML or not.


At least I've never seen it done in Apple Mail, Entourage or Outlook for Mac. Email simply is not capable of supporting gridline content. If your email app supports it you can use Edit> Paste Special> As Picture (or equivalent).

The gridlines can be included if you have Gridlines checked in Page Setup when you copy the Excel content. Alternatively, in Excel you can hold Shift while you open the Edit menu, select Copy Picture & choose the As shown on screen option in the little dialog that pops up on screen. Both of the last 2 options, however, result in a picture of the data rather than the data, itself. Regards, Bob J. Please mark HELPFUL or ANSWERED as appropriate to keep list as clean as possible ☺ Regards, Bob J.

I have an Excel Workbook with multiple Excel line Charts, I copy and paste these charts objects into an Outlook email each day for distribution. I want to automate this manual process with Excel VBA. I have found vba solutions that do work by saving the charts into a temp file, and then retrieving these files into the Outlook object with.HTML and the file path. However these solutions do not retain the graphic look and feel of the original chart object. Is there a Excel VBA solution to copy and paste the Excel chart into a new Outlook email? Thank you for any assistance. Hi, For my understanding, you want copy the excel chart into the mail body in outlook, I wrote the sample to implement this function.

Generally, Vectr is good for amateurs or anybody that only needs to create a very simple graphic effortlessly. Your work can be saved online or be exported in SVG, JPG, and PNG file formats. Free

Office For Mac Excel Copy And Paste Into Apple Mailbox

Sub CopyAndPasteToMailBody() Set mailApp = CreateObject('Outlook.Application') Set mail = mailApp.CreateItem(olMailItem) mail.Display Set wEditor = mailApp.ActiveInspector.wordEditor ActiveChart.ChartArea.Copy wEditor.Application.Selection.Paste End Sub This code will copy the chart object into the mail body. The chart is linked in excel, the data source is still in excel. Notice: When you send this email, the chart automatic convert to the image. Regards, We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.